
In Brazil, the prejudice from the south and southeast-born Brazilians against the north and north-eastern comes from past generations and persists until today among some people. Now, with the polarization of opinions throughout the world, it is getting even more attention.

The project Nordestivismo (Northeast-tivism) began in 2017 when I, a northeast born from Paraíba Estate, lived in Moscow and missed my home country. As an art director/ designer, I wanted to show my pride and longing to the Northeast and Brazil in the form of art through the streets of Moscow.

The project, which unites the cultural richness of the Northeast with Russian constructivism, was created to show that those who are from the Northeast are very proud of being north-eastern.

The project also aims to help communities from the Northeast by donating the profits from the sale of our posters and t-shirts in our online store. And since its start, we’ve had many collaborations with musicians and other artists from the region to help spread our pride and culture. SEE MORE HERE @NORDESTIVISMO
